Nutrition for the Ear
Learn which nutrients are essential for your ears to enable them to perform at their top capacity.
You are here because you know how important good hearing and ear function is to your life and you are looking for solutions that work.
In our 25 plus years of supporting our listeners with Sound Therapy, we have discovered that taking a multi-pronged approach to ear health is much more effective. This article will explain why.
Why we need Nutrition today
Today we live in a world affected by many sorts of pollution. Our air, our homes, the soil and our water are all contaminated with thousands of different artificial chemicals. Many diseases are on the rise, including cancer, chronic fatigue, chemical sensitivity, hormone problems, infertility, osteoporosis, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, attention deficit disorder, tinnitus and various autoimmune diseases. Natural therapists believe that these “twenty-first-century diseases” are caused by the huge increase in toxic chemicals affecting our environment and our bodies. There are now 85,000 chemicals in common daily use. 15% of Americans now suffer from chemical sensitivity.
Nutritional deficiency
Due to intensive chemical farming, the soil used for agriculture has become depleted of minerals. It is calculated that to get the mineral content of a plate of spinach fifty years ago you would now have to eat fifty plates of spinach. The minerals that the body requires for a long and healthy life are not contained today in the food we can buy.
Foods today are picked unripe, transported long distances, sprayed, stored, preserved, modified and processed before reaching our table. This means that they reach our bodies depleted of the natural antioxidant properties of fresh food. Therefore, we are all affected by higher levels of free radicals than ever before, making it difficult for the body to resist disease.

“I was very on the edge; working hard, too much stress. There was a vein sticking out beside my eye. When I looked in the mirror I was worried sometimes it was going to blow up! Since using the nutriti...”
Enzo Cuzmano, Sydney - Read More
How does nutrition help the ear and brain?
The ear is often referred to as the most energy-hungry organ of the body. All parts of the ear require high quantities of nutrients to function properly and to avoid degenerative problems such as hearing loss or tinnitus. Only if the right elements and enzymes are present can the nerves successfully fire the precise signals at millisecond intervals required to accurately transmit sound.
The delicate balance of this system can be upset by
– Insufficient oxygen due to poor circulation in the inner ear
– A deficiency in the trace minerals essential for enzyme activity
– A toxic overload being carried by the body
– Excessive free radical activity
The electrical stability of the cochlea depends upon the presence of minerals such as magnesium and calcium, and on a correct balance of necessary enzymes, fatty acids and amino acids.
The tiny hair-like cells called cilia are the final stage of sound transmission before the charge is relayed to the auditory nerve. Slight disturbances in the equilibrium of enzymes can lead to the death of some of the cilia.

“I have been using Sound Therapy and nutrition for the ear for the past 8 years. During this time I have had great success in the following areas: improvement in energy levels, diminished tinnitus, i...”
Narelle Russel, farmer and natural therapist - Read More
Colloidal minerals
Colloidal minerals are very minute particles which have already been absorbed and processed by plants. They come in a liquid form and are readily “bioavailable”, meaning the body can absorb them. They are estimated to be 90% more available to the body than other types of mineral supplements. A good colloidal mineral will contain at least 60 different minerals.
Super antioxidants
Over the last few decades, many new sources of antioxidants have been discovered. The first generation, vitamins A, C and E will work for three hours in the body. The second generation found in grape seed extract and pine bark extract and Ginkgo Biloba will last two to three times longer. Third generation antioxidants, (circuminoids) have now been discovered and will last for up to three days, cleaning your body of free radicals. A good antioxidant supplement will contain all of these ingredients
The benefits
The health benefits of good quality nutritional supplementation are far-reaching. Not only can this help to prevent chronic disease over the long term. It may also improve the health of the skin, gums and organs as well as improving digestion and circulation, reducing stress and boosting energy and general well being.
If you would like to learn more about Sound Therapy and nutritional support for the ear, and other related conditions, please request our FREE INFORMATION in the sidebar to your right.