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Auditory Processing
Learn how to give your child the foundations for processing sound so that complex language tasks become easy.
If your child has an auditory processing problem, it means they struggle to make sense of language in the way that others can. Everyday processes like listening, identifying letters, forming words and spelling are very difficult for a child with an auditory processing problem. You may notice that your child had delayed speech, struggles to learn to read and has difficulty communicating fluently.
Successful listening and learning depend on good auditory processing. Auditory processing means the ability to translate the stream of vocal speech sounds into words and meaning, and then recreate those sounds as speech.
““ ... I started looking more closely at auditory processing and how it impacted on listening, comprehension and reading. I knew this was where the reading process had come unstuck for my son, the fa...”
Jeanette McKay – Western Australia - Read More
Effective auditory processing depends first on accurate hearing. A child must be able to see the letter, hear the sound of the letter, say the sound, relate the sound to the written symbol for the letter, register it and store it in the auditory cortex so that in the future they can relate the letter symbol to the sound again and recreate it vocally. Then they need to be able to blend the letter and its sound with all the other letters that form a word. Therefore there is a great deal more than hearing required for successful use of language.
“I have twin boys, Brendan and Jonathan, who were born very premature at twenty-eight weeks. Brendan in particular had all sorts of problems. He had a hole in the heart and lots of other problems but t...”
Clara Rapp – Perth, Western Australia - Read More
A fractional delay in any stage of this perception and vocalization can lead to great difficulties when it comes to learning the complex literary skills of reading, writing and spelling. While difficulties in speech may go unnoticed in the early years, they become magnified under the pressure to perform at school and translate spoken into written skills.
Timing is a very crucial aspect of auditory processing because a slight delay can mean the sounds are heard or perceived or reproduced in the wrong order. Such difficulties with linear sequential processing make it extremely difficult for the student to accomplish note-taking and writing. Poor auditory memory may be part of the problem and a person who is otherwise quite intelligent may have enormous difficulties performing academically when these functions are impaired.
How Sound Therapy May Help
Right ear dominance
Sound Therapy recordings are made so that the sound is louder in the right ear. This improves the efficiency of the brain in processing language because the right ear connects to the left side of the brain, which is the language center. The result is an improvement in reading and vocal skills.
Sound Therapy stimulates the brain pathways which enable very fast transmission of information from the ear to brain and from brain to vocal apparatus. When the processing speed is increased it is easier for the student to keep up and not be constantly struggling with information which is jumbled and mixed up because of being received in the wrong order.
Make an informed choice—get the eBook
After 26 years in the Sound Therapy field, we really understand the importance of giving children every possible opportunity to improve their auditory processing. Every week we hear from our listeners thanking us for the benefits their children have found. Listeners have reported very dramatic changes in the way their children approach learning, social relationships and life in general.
If you would like to learn more in-depth about how Sound Therapy helps auditory processing, order Rafaele Joudry’s FREE eBook here and benefit from her decades of experience helping thousands of children to learn better with Sound Therapy.
Or call and speak to one of our qualified Sound Therapy consultants right away.
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