Inside the book "Why Aren't I Learning"? by Rafaele Joudry
is short list is a summary of what you’ll find when get a copy of “Why aren’t I learning?” by Rafaele short list is a summary of what you’ll find when get a copy of “Why aren’t I learning?” by Rafaele Joudry.
- How to handle temper tantrums, antisocial behaviour and aggression
- How to use Sound Therapy to overcome learning difficulties
- A simple, effective, affordable program for parents to use at home
- Help your children to settle down, sleep well and be calm and focussed
- Stimulate brain connections so listening and learning become easier
- Set your child up for good language skills and improve reading, writing and spelling
- Improve integration between the right and left brain hemispheres to achieve clear auditory laterality
- Learn of drug free, non-invasive methods of helping children concentrate and learn
- Discover ways to make study and homework easy and fun
- How to create a nurturing, gentle sound-environment for your babies and children&
- How to use sensory integration therapies
- How to assist development and integration of the senses including auditory, visual, tactile, movement and balance
- How to use movement and balance activities to improve proprioceptive and vestibular function
To claim your copy, simply go to the store section on this website, or call our office on 1300 55 77 96.
Tags: ADD, ADHD, austic child, behave in school, behavioural disability, child aspergers, help children get to sleep at night, help children settle doen, help kids reading, help kids with homework, help kids writing, how to do better at school, learning disability, my kid struggles with school, sit still in class, sound therapy children, sound therapy learning enhancement, temer tantrums
“The greatest journey in my life had been to help many thousans of people to improve their ear and brain health through the use of Sound Therapy”
Rafaele Joudry
Founder and Author
- A better way to support independent living
- Audio
- Audiology
- Auditory deprivation
- Auditory Processing
- autism
- BBE Process
- Brain
- Brain Optimisation
- Breathing
- Charities we support
- Chemical Toxins
- children
- Choosing the Music
- Classic Music
- Colds and infections
- conductor
- Depression
- Digital Compression
- Dizziness
- Dystonia
- ear infections
- Ear muscles
- Ear Research
- Emotional Wellbeing
- General
- gut brain connection
- Hearing
- i-pod hearing damage
- Indigenous Literacy Day
- Koorie Story telling
- learning difficulties
- Literacy
- Memory
- Meniere's
- musical talent
- Nervous System
- Neuroscience
- Noise
- Nutritional Supplements
- Pauline McLeod
- Preventing Sudden Deafness
- Read and Exceed
- Reducing Noise exposure in Australia
- Research
- Sound Therapy
- Stress
- Supplements or drugs
- The Music
- Tinnitus
- Tinnitus Treatment
- Tomatis
- travel
- vaccination
- vertigo
- Videos