
Reducing Noise Exposure in Australia

I have recently made contact with Noisewatch Australia, an organisation dedicated to protecting people’s rights to a quiet, noise free environment. This group is active in education and lobbying to protect the public from damaging and stressful noise.

This is very important work, and this group is promoting the issues and concerns that are important to Sound Therapy International and many of our customers.
Noise Watch Australia supports our national interest by gathering community and professional partnerships to strengthen the case for reducing exposure to noise.

They also are working to compile education profiles that explain the mechanics and risks posed by excessive noise. They wish to put all this information onto the web to be freely available to those who are troubled by noise, and those who are responsible for managing it, in business, in Govenment and our community.
They are also working on making a case to the Federal Government to provide a national guidelines relating community noise. Every State is presently competing with each other to allow noise abuse, particularly in industry.

I learned that the group is in need of a volunteer with Website development skills to assist in maintaining and developing their website. If you have these skills and would like to assist with this cause, please contact Gary Goland or call him on 0438 840 002

You can view their current website at noisewatch

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