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Blocked ear, sinusitis or pressure ear
Chronic blocked ear or ear pressure sensation is caused by Eustachian tube Dysfunction and it can be fixed!
What is blocked ear?
We have spoken to many listeners who had a range of problems with blocked ear, pressure in the ears or chronic sinusitis.
Such problems may have a variety of symptoms including:
- Some people experience frequent clicking and popping in the ears
- Others have a permanent or intermittent sense of fullness or pressure in the ear
- Some have difficulty when they fly or change altitude and find their hearing or balance is affected for some time
- Blocked ears may affect hearing or balance
- Blocked ear may contribute to tinnitus and often cause disturbance or distraction in hearing one’s own voice.
- Blocked ear can affect both speaking ability and singing
What is the cause of blocked ear?
Blocked ear or a sensation of pressure in the ear can be caused by several different factors:
- Wax impaction
- Fluid blockage due to infection from a cold or virus
- Inflammation, due to sinusitis
- Eustachian tube dysfunction
“I have noticeably improved ear health (no blocked ear problems) and, to my surprise, my post-nasal drip which drove me crazy, seems to have gone!! Time will tell, but I intend to continue usin...”
BW – New South Wales - Read More
How does Sound Therapy help blocked ear?
Sound Therapy is helpful to long-term recovery from most types of blocked ear.
When blocked ear has an acute cause, such as an infection or wax impaction, these issues must of course be addressed first. Chronic sinus problems can also be a cause of blocked ears and can mean constant irritation of the nose and eyes and frequent headaches. Sinus problems may respond to dietary changes, in particular avoiding wheat and dairy products. Even when this is done, our listeners have found that Sound Therapy is an additional support that makes a tremendous difference in helping to relieve long-term, chronic sinus problems.
When blocked ear is an ongoing, chronic problem, Eustachian tube disorder may be the cause. The sensation of fullness blocked ear, or frequent popping and clicking is caused by the inability of the Eustachian tube to open as required. The Eustachian tube connects the air-filled chamber of the middle ear with the back of the throat and is the only way to equalize the air pressure in the middle ear. When the pressure inside the middle ear does not match the air pressure outside the eardrum, the drum cannot vibrate freely as it should, so hearing becomes muffled.
How does Sound Therapy help Eustachian tube dysfunction?
The opening and closing of the Eustachian tube is controlled involuntarily by the hammer muscle, one of the muscles inside the middle ear. If the hammer muscle has become weak or over contracted, it cannot do its job correctly. Sound Therapy exercises and rehabilitates the hammer muscle, restoring its function and making equalization of the middle ear air pressure easy and automatic.
How does Sound Therapy help sinus problems and infections?
The sinuses are hollow chambers inside the headlined with mucous membranes. Tensions, swelling and imbalances in the pressure chambers of the ear can exacerbate inflammation of the sinuses. Consistent use of Sound Therapy eases the harmonious working of the various nerves, muscles and pressure chambers that constitute the ear, nose and throat system. For this reason, listeners often report that Sound Therapy alleviates chronic sinus problems and recurring infections.
How does Sound Therapy help wax impaction?
Wax impaction is generally treated by syringing the ear. This is very effective in the immediate sense and should be done only be a qualified practitioner. However, for many people, wax impaction recurs regularly due to too much wax production or the inability of the ears to clear themselves naturally. The added stimulation of Sound Therapy and its beneficial effect on Eustachian tube function is often found to relieve chronic wax impaction. Many listeners report that after using Sound Therapy the condition never recurs.
Make an informed choice—get the eBook
After 26 years in the Sound Therapy field, we really understand Eustachian tube dysfunction and what it means to live with this condition. Every week we hear from our listeners thanking us for the relief they have found. Listeners have reported that they have achieved permanent relief from blocked ear and can now fly without fear and hear themselves normally.
If you would like to learn more in-depth about how Sound Therapy helps chronic blocked ear, order Rafaele Joudry’s FREE eBook here and benefit from her decades of experience helping thousands of listeners with Sound Therapy.
Or call and speak to one of our qualified Sound Therapy consultants right away.
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