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Dizziness or vertigo can make travel, driving and independent living a big challenge. Find a real solution to improving balance with Sound Therapy.
What is dizziness or vertigo?
Dizziness or vertigo is a balance disorder which can cause an individual to feel unsteady, giddy, woosy or to have a sensation of spinning or floating. It can vary from a slight sense of imbalance, to a severe attack where the room seems to spin and the ground falls away beneath you. Vertigo can also refer to a fear of heights, or a sensation that the ground is moving under you.
Most dizziness is ear related though other causes can include migraine, medication or low blood pressure.
Ear related dizziness may be due to BPPV, Meniere’s syndrome, or an infection or virus such as vestibular neuronitis or labyrinthitis.
Dizziness can be anything from disconcerting to totally debilitating depending on its severity. It can restrict people’s lives by curtailing their ability to travel, drive, work or live independently.
“I was so worried with my balance about my future if I had any considering the head knocks I'd suffered from falls. Now I can stand and put my underwear on without wobbling and or falling. Purchasing t...”
Lynn Lockett – NSW - Read More
What causes dizziness or vertigo?
The sense of balance is primarily supplied by the labyrinth of semi-circular canals in the inner ear, called the vestibular system. Little hair cells in the canals, sense the movement of fluid as the head tilts, and inform the brain which way the head is tilting or moving.
Our vestibular system works together with our visual system to help us keep objects in focus when the head is moving. Joint and muscle receptors are also important in maintaining balance. The brain then receives, interprets, and processes the information from these systems that control our balance.
Ear related dizziness occurs when the vestibular system has faulty function and sends inaccurate signals, or the signals are incorrectly interpreted by the brain.
Different types of dizziness
BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) causes a feeling of dizziness only on certain movements such as rolling over in bed or bending down to tie your shoes.
The most common cause of mild dizziness is simply that sensory integration in the brain is not functioning quite up to par. This is likely to be a component of all types of dizziness, meaning that Sound Therapy is likely to help in just about every case.
Menieres Syndrome causes sudden and unpredictable dizzy attacks which may last for hours or days. Severe vertigo is considered one of the most debilitating conditions a person can suffer from.
“I was so worried with my balance about my future if I had any considering the head knocks I'd suffered from falls. Now I can stand and put my underwear on without wobbling and or falling. Purchasing t...”
Lynn Lockett – NSW - Read More
Meniere’s Symptoms can include a combination of the following symptoms:
- Vertigo, hearing loss and tinnitus
- Sudden dizzy attacks
- Low frequency hearing loss
- Low frequency tinnitus
- A feeling of pressure in the ear
- Sound sensitivity
Often severe enough to cause nausea and vomiting, Meniere’s attacks come unexpectedly and can incapacitate the sufferer for weeks at a time. Sound Therapy has brought welcome and lasting relief to many Meniere’s sufferers, and has been able to restore normal living to those who previously lived in horror of the unpredictable sense of spinning out of control which could be triggered by lifts, staircases, heights, and large gatherings.
Living with Meniere’s
In 1861 Dr Prosper Meniere, who was in charge of the Imperial Institute for Deaf Mutes in Paris, identified and described the condition now known as Meniere’s Disease. His description was this:
“A man, young and robust, suddenly without reason, experienced vertigo, nausea and vomiting. He had a state of inexpressible anguish and prostration. The face was pale and bathed in sweat as if about to faint. Often, and at the same time, the patient, after seeming to stagger in a dazed state, fell on the ground unable to get up. Lying on his back he could not open his eyes without his environment becoming a whirlpool. The smallest movements of the head worsened the feeling of vertigo and nausea.”
Not everyone experiences this extreme form of Meniere’s, but the condition is characterised by sudden and recurrent attacks. It is often accompanied by tinnitus, low frequency hearing loss and a feeling of pressure in the affected ear. It is often associated also with sensitivity to loud sounds.
Although there are other forms of vertigo, true Meniere’s is caused by an increase in pressure on the fluids in the inner ear. Read on to find out why Sound Therapy is so effective in the treatment of this condition.
How Sound Therapy helps vertigo
Sound Therapy is a proven and effective treatment for improving sensory integration and brain plasticity. In this way it helps the many different sensory systems to work together in providing our accurate sense of balance.
How Sound Therapy may help dizziness
- Restoring function and tone to the middle ear muscles
- Restoring normal pressure balance in the inner ear chambers
- Improving ability of Eustachian tube to open and close normally
- Improve sensory integration, enhancing balance perception in the brain
Dr Tomatis had a unique theory on how Sound Therapy helps to alleviate Meniere’s Syndrome. He suggested that the excess pressure in the vestibular system (the semicircular canals) is caused by spasms or twitches in the stirrup muscle. The stirrup muscle is one of the middle ear muscles and its role is to regulate the pressure on the inner ear fluid. The footplate of the stirrup presses on the oval window, the membrane which separates the middle ear from the inner ear chamber. Therefore when the stirrup muscle goes into spasm, there is a sudden change in the pressure in the inner ear fluid, causing a disturbance like a sudden storm to pass through the semi-circular canals. This communicates to the brain via the vestibular branch of the auditory nerve, that there is sudden movement of the head, which gives the patient the feeling that the world is spinning or falling away beneath them. Tomatis explained that once the stirrup muscle has been rehabilitated with the regular exercise provided by the Sound Therapy program, it no longer goes into spasm and the Meniere’s attacks do not recur.
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After 26 years in the Sound Therapy field, we really understand dizziness/vertigo and what it means to live with this condition. Every week we hear from our listeners thanking us for the relief they have found. Listeners have reported total relief and recovery from vertigo even after many years of living with the condition.
If you would like to learn in depth about this remarkable solution, order Rafaele Joudry’s FREE eBook here and benefit from her decades of experience helping thousands of vertigo sufferers with Sound Therapy.
If you would like to learn more in depth about how Sound Therapy helps dizziness, order Rafaele Joudry’s FREE eBook here and benefit from her decades of experience helping thousands of listeners with Sound Therapy.
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