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Energy and Sound Therapy
If you are usually dragged out, lethargic and weary, how would it be to have a built-in brain recharger that you can plug into any time?
What is Energy?
Do you feel as though you are always low on energy? Do you have to carefully conserve your energy as there isn’t enough to go around? Do you find that even when you rest, you don’t really feel replenished?
Our energy level is determined by the functioning of chemical systems and nerve impulses throughout the body. Neural activity (the passage of information along our nerves) resembles electricity in several ways. The potential for excitation of the nerve synapses depends on the level of energy charge in the brain. The brain acts like a battery which is constantly being either charged or discharged.
Dr. Tomatis contends that the most important function of the ear is to charge the brain through the stimulation of sound. Failure of the ear to provide sufficient recharge to the brain results in fatigue and inefficient mental processes.
“I am now able to concentrate my energy into a basic force that is not easily sidetracked. I see others fade; I am fresh and eager for the next encounter. If I feel the approach of tiredness, I simply ...”
Taylor Anderson, Florida USA - Read More
Noise is one of the biggest contributors to stress and fatigue. The ear is directly linked by nerve paths to many other body organs, so the sounds we hear have an immediate effect on our whole system. Dr. Tomatis discovered that the ear is intended to hear mainly high-frequency sounds because most of the sensory cells in the inner ear are accumulated in the high-frequency zone. It is the high-frequency sounds which replenish the brain’s energy and activate the cortex, improving our ability to think. Unfortunately, most of the sounds we hear in our mechanized, urbanized lifestyle are low-frequency sounds. Traffic, factories, household appliances, refrigerators, fluorescent lights and even computers put out a low-frequency drone which drains the brain of energy and causes stress.
Dr. Tomatis said that to remain healthy and fully charged, the brain must receive three billion stimuli per second for at least four and a half hours per day. This level of stimulation can only be achieved if the ear is regularly exposed to high-frequency sound.
Notice how different you feel after a day in the forest, hearing only the high-frequency sounds of nature – bird songs, wind and running water. These sounds stimulate the ear in a way that releases latent energy in the brain. The nervous system can then function more efficiently, reducing stress and increasing energy levels.
“I am writing to tell you how pleased and surprised I was with using my Sound Therapy program on a flight from Melbourne to Rome. This was my fourth flight to Rome and I could not believe how fresh, al...”
Julie Wentworth, VIC - Read More
How Sound Therapy may help
Sound Therapy gives us an opportunity to listen to healing, high frequency sounds even in the midst of a busy, noisy environment. Sound Therapy uses classical music which is filtered so that the low frequencies are progressively removed until primarily just the sounds above 8,000 Hz remain. Listening to this music for three hours per day during normal daily activities compensates for the draining, stressful effect of low-frequency noise.
Most listeners notice an effect on their energy and stress levels after six weeks to three months of listening.
Make an informed choice—get the eBook
After 26 years in the Sound Therapy field, we really understand energy levels, fatigue and what it means to be able to increase your energy reserves. Every week we hear from our listeners thanking us for the energy boost they have found. Listeners have reported feeling new and unexpected energy levels and recovery from long-term lethargy and fatigue.
If you would like to learn more in-depth about how Sound Therapy helps energy, order Rafaele Joudry’s FREE eBook here and benefit from her decades of experience helping thousands of listeners with Sound Therapy.
Or call and speak to one of our qualified Sound Therapy consultants right away.
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