The Family program is suitable for children of all ages plus adults. This is the ideal program for the whole family. It includes our full range of music and story albums for families and will provide years of happy listening.
All the albums are filtered with the Sound Therapy process to enhance ear and brain functioning.
The Family Program includes all the albums from the Younger Children’s Program, the Older Children’s Program and the all-music Listening Foundation Program, which can be used by adults or children.
There are 13 albums totalling approximately 15.5 hours of Sound Therapy.
Younger Children’s Program
A starter program for children aged 0-7. Introduce your children to classical music while stimulating their language ability with age-appropriate stories and poems, all filtered with the Sound Therapy process.
Album 1: Garden of Dreams
Exquisite musical selections for children by Tchaikovsky, Strauss, Delibes, Mozart, Bach and Brahms.
Album 2: Fairy Tales for Younger Children
Read by Patricia Joudry, a writer and former radio actress with a remarkable ability to engage the interest of the young child.
Album 3: Let’s Recite
Poems by great authors, read by Patricia Joudry. The child learns rhyme, rhythm and metaphor, which are important fundamentals of language. Comes with printed booklet so the child can read along.
Bonus Album 4: Aboriginal Stories
Traditional Australian Aboriginal Stories by renowned Koorie storyteller, Pauline McLeod. The stories include:
- The Birds and the Rainbow
- The Flying Fox
- The Kookaburra and How We Got the Sun
- Why the Platypus is Special
- Brolga and How She Became a Dancing Bird
- Tiklik the Frog
- The Little Black Snake
- Why the Kangaroos Have Pouches
- The Frog and the Lyre Bird.
This bonus album is only available with the Family Program.
Older Children’s Program
A starter program for children aged 8-12. Music specially selected for children to develop their sense of rhythm and form, along with stories chosen to enhance perception, creativity and language comprehension, all filtered with the Sound Therapy process.
Album 1: Study Stimulator
Music children will love, to help with concentration and learning. by Strauss, Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Grieg, Chopin and Pachelbel.
Album 2: Calming Music
Music to sleep or settle down to by Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Padrewski, Chopin, Muscagni and Debussy.
Album 3: Grimm’s Fairy Tales
Classic tales that educate about ethics, problem solving and transformation, read by Patricia Joudry.
Album 4: African Stories
Folk tales to encourage cultural awareness and develop maturity, read by Mignon Lee -Warden.
Album 5: Native American Indian Stories
Native American tales of strength, courage and magic, read by Patricia Joudry.
Listening Foundation Program
This is the starting point for all adult Sound Therapy listeners. The music in this program is gradually filtered to encourage rehabilitation of the auditory system in a gentle and progressive manner. Parents can listen along with their children and benefit in the areas of stress reduction, improved sleep, energy and communication.
The progressively filtered albums in the Listening Foundation Program are:
Album 1: Gentle Massage
Vivaldi 4 Concerti, Rosini Quartet, Mozart Violin Concerto, Handel Harp Concerto
This album gently begins the process of introducing filtered sounds to the ear.
Album 2: Muscle Movement
Mozart string quartets, Mozart Piano Concertos
The ear is reconditioned as the filtering begins to increase, and the middle ear muscles are asked to respond to greater variations in frequency and intensity.
Album 3: Ear Gymnastics
Mozart Horn Concerto, Violin Concerto, Bach Harp Concertos, Cello Concerto, Vivaldi Cello Concertos
Progressing to more challenging frequency variations requires the ear to respond at levels that it may not have reached for many years.
Album 4: Cilia Simulation
Mozart Horn Concerti, Haydn String Quartets
Finally, as the middle ear has begun to open and adjust to the higher frequencies, these stimulating sounds can reach the inner ear and activate the sensory cells in the hearing organ (the cilia). Sound waves are converted to electro chemical signals that travel to the brain.
Also in your package
Sound Therapy: Music to Recharge Your Brain
This best-selling book by Patricia and Rafaele Joudry gives a full overview of Sound Therapy, the discoveries and treatment and how it assists both adults and children.
Why Aren’t I learning?
This best-selling book by Rafaele Joudry is an exploration of the many learning and developmental difficulties which may affect children’s development. Includes helpful hints and tips for parents and teachers, on how Sound Therapy helps each condition.
Let’s Recite booklet
A specially printed booklet for the child to read along with the Let’s Recite program.
Workbook for the Family Program
The Self-help Workbook steps you through each stage of the program, giving you a personal listening routine for each person, and extensive tips on the different stages of healing for children and adults. The workbooks are an essential element of the program which makes it possible for those listening at home to experience the full benefits and support that would be offered through clinical treatment.