
Hans Wuelfert – Lavington, NSW

In January 1987 I had encephalitis and myelitis endemic to the Murray Valley. At one stage the resulting symptoms were called the M.E. syndrome: (a condition with many similar symptoms to MS) chronic lack of energy; diminished long-term and short-term memory, self-inflicted stress, pronounced sensitivity to variations in atmospheric conditions.

After two months of Sound Therapy (330 hours) this is my assessment:

  • Sinus condition has improved gradually and is about 80% better in general.
  • Eustachian tubes improved about 50%
  • Left ear, much lighter noise of a higher pitch, almost pleasant compassed with the original noise. Congestion far less, about 70% better.
  • Right ear; very slight ringing, higher pitch, some congestion left, about 90% better.
  • Hearing in general has improved. All the sounds are crisper. At the dentist the “new” crisp sound of the drill nearly made me happy.
  • Singing: during walks along the open road, there is a “resonance space” again in my head, singing is in tune again and I can correct a wrong note.
  • Deep refreshing sleep. Requirements shortened by 1-2 hours.
  • Energy seems to have increased, I find it easier to start something, have a bit more go. Memory has improved slightly. Words of some forgotten songs have come back and dialing a phone number is a lot easier.

Generally speaking, I feel that a considerable change has been going on within me and apparently still is.