Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Neuroplasticity and Sound Therapy

PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, was originally known as “shell shock”, and is one of the most common disorders among returning veterans. The condition of PTSD can occur in anyone who has suffered a high degree of trauma, and this […]
December 18, 2012 | General, Neuroscience

What does Neural Plasticity have to do with OCD?

And where does Sound Therapy come in?And where does Sound Therapy come in?In the new field of neural plasticity we are being given the opportunity to shape our own brains. The discovery of neural plasticity was made over the last […]
November 26, 2012 | General, Neuroscience

New Neuroscience Research Explains Sound Therapy

Exciting new research information is now coming to light, updating the science behind Sound Therapy and why it is so effective. There is much enthusiasm for the new book Polyvagal Theory by Neuroscience writer, Stephen Porges. I came across a […]
October 12, 2012 | General, Neuroscience, Research

Research on the ear muscles

I am always talking about the middle ear muscles – it fascinates me that these muscles play an active role in how our ear functions. We all understand muscles from our day to day experience. We know how they perform, […]
March 12, 2012 | Ear Research, General

New Research on How the Ear Works

I have been aware for some years that the standard theory of how we hear must be somewhat lacking in accuracy. Why do I know this? Because the current theory holds that the ear muscles are passive and do not […]
November 26, 2010 | Ear Research, General
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Sound Therapy is a unique treatment program, based on several decades of clinical research, which rehabilitates the ears and revitalises the brain, enhancing ear and brain function for life.
