New Research on How the Ear Works

November 26, 2010 | Ear Research, General

I have been aware for some years that the standard theory of how we hear must be somewhat lacking in accuracy. Why do I know this? Because the current theory holds that the ear muscles are passive and do not play an important role in hearing. (Dr Tomatis, of course, varies from this view, as his work on Sound Therapy was based on stimulating and rehabilitating the ear muscles.)

I have observed over the past 2+ decades that many people’s hearing and other ear related functions do improve as a result of Sound Therapy and its stimulation of the middle ear muscles. Until recently, very little research was done to verify or test the standard hearing theory which was that sound is passed through the vibrating middle ear bones to the inner ear.

Recent research in Germany has brought to light a new discovery about the movement of the middle ear bones. This is that the stapes (stirrup bone) moves in a piston like motion in response to low frequencies, but in a tilting motion in response to high frequencies.

I suspect that a correlation will be found between this discovery and the fact that the high frequency diet of Sound Therapy seems to improve ear function.

What this means is that modern science is now catching up with Dr Tomatis’ discoveries, and the basis for his theory that the right type of sound can improve hearing function.

To read more about this recent research on stirrup bone movement visit this link.

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