Call for noise warnings on i-Pods in UK
An organisation for the deaf wants Apple and other manufacturers of MP3 players to print bigger warnings about the risks of hearing loss. The British organization RNID (Royal National Institute of the Deaf) is requesting that Apple and other manufacturers […]
March 1, 2011 | General, i-pod hearing damage
3 year old Conductor!
Please take 5 minutes to view this amazing video of a 3 year old conducting to Beethoven's 5th symphony. Its one of those unforgettable experiences. Talk about music going through your whole body! I'm sure most Sound Therapy listeners will […]
February 23, 2011 | Classic Music, conductor, General, musical talent
New Research on How the Ear Works
I have been aware for some years that the standard theory of how we hear must be somewhat lacking in accuracy. Why do I know this? Because the current theory holds that the ear muscles are passive and do not […]
November 26, 2010 | Ear Research, General
Classical music reduces vandalism
A recent report of classical music being used to reduce vandalism in an Auckland shopping centre, followed other such successful experiments from around the world. In West Palm Beach Florida a free concert of Mozart, Bach and Beethoven is being […]
November 16, 2010 | Classic Music, General
Simple hygiene saves children
Those who have read my books and my blog will know that I care about people’s hearing and hope to help reduce the suffering many people have with ear problems.Those who have read my books and my blog will know […]
November 10, 2010 | Charities we support, General
Choosing the Music
Dear Listeners Those who have read my book, Sound Therapy: Music to Recharge your Brain, will remember my mother describing her invigoration and upliftment during the time when she was recording all the Sound Therapy programs at the monastery. The […]
August 26, 2010 | Choosing the Music, General
More Feedback on the Ultra Light
The last six months since we launched our first Ultra Light have enabled us to get lots of valuable feedback on how our customers are finding this technology. People have told me this definitely places us as a leader in […]
July 13, 2010 | General
Flu Vaccination Concern
Recently a number of people have been asking me for information on the flu vaccine. The recent scare from children's reaction to the vaccine in WA has created concern, and with the media coverage it has received, a lot of […]
April 27, 2010 | children, General, vaccination
A better way to support independent living
Most people over 60 actively want to stay healthy and maintain independent living. The event which frequently brings this to an end is the dreaded fall, causing injury and driving home the message of the need for support. Therefore staying […]
June 24, 2009 | A better way to support independent living, General
Supplements or drugs
“I don’t really want to be taking all these drugs but my Doctor said to go off all supplements.” This is a statement I hear every week when I talk to people on the phone about their health needs. In […]
June 24, 2009 | Supplements or drugs
Sound Therapy is a unique treatment program, based on several decades of clinical research, which rehabilitates the ears and revitalises the brain, enhancing ear and brain function for life.
- A better way to support independent living
- Audio
- Audiology
- Auditory deprivation
- Auditory Processing
- autism
- BBE Process
- Brain
- Brain Optimisation
- Breathing
- Breathing
- Charities we support
- Chemical Toxins
- children
- Choosing the Music
- Classic Music
- Colds and infections
- conductor
- Covid
- Depression
- Digital Compression
- Dizziness
- Dystonia
- ear infections
- Ear muscles
- Ear Research
- Emotional Wellbeing
- General
- gut brain connection
- Hearing
- i-pod hearing damage
- Independant Media
- Indigenous Literacy Day
- Koorie Story telling
- learning difficulties
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- Meniere's
- musical talent
- Natural Health
- Nervous System
- Neuroscience
- Noise
- Nutritional Supplements
- Pauline McLeod
- Preventing Sudden Deafness
- Read and Exceed
- Reducing Noise exposure in Australia
- Research
- Sound Therapy
- Stress
- Supplements or drugs
- The Music
- Tinnitus
- Tinnitus Treatment
- Tomatis
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- vaccination
- vertigo
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