COVID vaccines and tinnitus—is there a connection?

Sound Therapy International continues to treat post covid sufferers successfully and now we are beginning to treat numerous Covid vaccine clients as vaccinations increase. Reports have indicated cases where sudden sensorineural hearing loss was reported after people received COVID-19 vaccines […]

What does Sound Therapy have to do with breathing?

Looking back on 2020, the theme of this year has been breathing. From the unprecedented wildfires in Australia and California, the COVID pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement, ignited by George Floyd’s final words “I can’t breathe”, we were bombarded on all sides with challenges to our breath. We were wearing masks for smoke inhalation—then we were wearing masks for COVID.

Brain Optimization with Sound Therapy

Research on sounds that stimulate the brain Jim Millburn embarked on a course of Sound Therapy after reading how it could bring about a number of improvements to brain function generally. He said that after four weeks of listening he […]

Auditory Deprivation – Why Treat Hearing Loss Early

When most people are faced with the fact that they may be losing their hearing, they will  often opt for denial. This is partly because hearing loss is usually very gradual, so you adapt to it and don’t realise it’s […]

Research on the ear muscles

I am always talking about the middle ear muscles – it fascinates me that these muscles play an active role in how our ear functions. We all understand muscles from our day to day experience. We know how they perform, […]
March 12, 2012 | Ear Research, General

New Research on How the Ear Works

I have been aware for some years that the standard theory of how we hear must be somewhat lacking in accuracy. Why do I know this? Because the current theory holds that the ear muscles are passive and do not […]
November 26, 2010 | Ear Research, General
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Sound Therapy is a unique treatment program, based on several decades of clinical research, which rehabilitates the ears and revitalises the brain, enhancing ear and brain function for life.
