New study finds Sound Therapy reduces stress

Today most people are exposed to levels of stress which affect wellbeing and long term health. Concerns such as the economy, climate change and daily survival affect us all. Added to these are events like bushfires, drought, floods, and then […]
January 15, 2013 | Ear muscles, General, Stress

The National Year of Reading and Indigenous Literacy

Indigenous literacy is a crucial issue in creating future opportunities for indigenous children. In this national year of reading, 2012 events are being held around the country to help encourage literacy. This initiative is so important as nearly half the […]

Choosing the Music

Dear Listeners Those who have read my book, Sound Therapy: Music to Recharge your Brain, will remember my mother describing her invigoration and upliftment during the time when she was recording all the Sound Therapy programs at the monastery. The […]
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Sound Therapy is a unique treatment program, based on several decades of clinical research, which rehabilitates the ears and revitalises the brain, enhancing ear and brain function for life.
