Nutrition for the ear is recommended to enhance the benefits of your Sound Therapy.
To order your Nutritional Products direct go to this link, and order the products:
- Natural Mineral Drink
- Antioxidants
You will also find many other products to help you create a healthy home and healthy body.
Natural Mineral Drink
Colloidal minerals are very minute particles which have already been absorbed and processed by plants. They come in a liquid form and are readily “bio available”, meaning the body can absorb them. They are estimated to be 90% more available to the body than other types of mineral supplements. This liquid supplement is derived from wild herbs.
Super Antioxidants
Over the last few decades many new sources of anti oxidants have been discovered. The first generation, vitamins A, C and E will work for three hours in the body. The second generation found in grape seed extract and pine bark extract and Ginkgo Biloba will last two to three times longer. Third generation anti oxidants, (circuminoids) have now been discovered and will last for up to three days, cleaning your body of free radicals. Our Antioxidant supplement contains all of these.
Nutrition for the Ears Booklet
Based on our thirty plus years of research into how nutrition effects our ear function, this eBooklet by Rafaele Joudry will explain the importance of nutrition for the ears and brain. It offers basic dietary guidance and supplement recommendations, and includes:
- The impact of aging on our hearing
- The role of genetics
- Why the ear needs nutrients
- How nutrition impacts tinnitus
- The chemical basis of hearing
- The middle ear, the cochlea, the lymphatic system and the colon
- And how all these systems are affected by minerals, antioxidants and diet
Read more on these links:
How nutrition affects our ears
Nutrition for the brain
To learn more about our natural health philosophy and why we recommend this product range visit