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Deluxe (Australia) Package

Original price was: $2,383.00.Current price is: $1,429.00.

Pay only $1429     Normally $2383    Save $754


  • Single Music Player – Sontegrity
  • Twelve hours of Sound Therapy music, on both Sontegrity player + Micro SD card
  • Sound Therapy: Music to Recharge your Brain – Book
  • Two Sound Therapy Workbooks
  • Nutrition for the ears and brain for enhanced results
  • Headphones – Studio headphones, Overhead headset, Open earbuds

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The Deluxe Package

Includes everything in the first two packs plus an additional Level Two program on the same player. Kick start your recovery program and get best value for money with this outstanding package.

Also includes Triple Mode approaches combining:

1) Air conducted sound
2) Nutrition for the ears and brain.

Additionally, this pack gives you the richest listening experience with our top of the range high fidelity headphones, specially designed for Sound Therapy. This headphone is full studio quality, focussed to enhance directional hearing, high frequency tuned, engineered for all day comfort and open to ambient sound.


The Listening Foundation Program Level 1 -- The Sontegrity Sound Therapy player is light, convenient and durable, and specially engineered to deliver the Sound Therapy high frequency spectrum. It comes preloaded with six hours of progressively filtered Sound Therapy music. The unique activation and filtering of the music, based on the ground breaking techniques developed by Dr Tomatis, delivers a powerful therapeutic program for the ears and brain.

The unique activation and filtering of the music, based on the ground breaking techniques developed by Dr Tomatis, delivers a powerful therapeutic program for the ears and brain.


This program consists of 4 albums, each approximately 60 minutes in length

Album 1 Gentle Massage
Vivaldi 4 Concerti, Rosini Quartet, Mozart Violin Concerto, Handel Harp Concerto.

This album gently begins the process of introducing filtered sounds to the ear.

Album 2 Muscle Movement
Mozart string quartets, Mozart Piano Concertos.

The ear is reconditioned as the filtering begins to increase, and the middle ear muscles are asked to respond to greater variations in frequency and intensity.

Album 3 Ear Gymnastics
Mozart Horn Concerto, Violin Concerto, Bach Harp Concertos, Cello Concerto, Vivaldi Cello Concertos.

Progressing to more challenging frequency variations requires the ear to respond at levels that it may not have reached for many years.

Album 4 Cilia Simulation
Mozart Horn Concerti, Haydn String Quartets.

Finally, as the middle ear has begun to open and adjust to the higher frequencies, these stimulating sounds can reach the inner ear and activate the sensory cells in the hearing organ (the cilia). Sound waves are converted to electro chemical signals that travel to the brain.


Building Ear-Brain Connections Program Level 2

Intended for use after 3 months of listening to Level 1, Listening Foundation Program. 

In the Building Ear-Brain Connections albums, newly developed recording techniques have been used which are more subtle but also more effective.
The Building Ear Brain Connections program is a marvellous combination of subtle and varied techniques which gently stretches and enhances your ear function in different ways. Each album addresses a different aspect of hearing, working both on the ear itself and the auditory brain pathways.


This program consists of 4 albums, each approximately 80 to 90 minutes in length

Album 1 Calming the Ear

Bodin de Boismortier Sonatas for Bassoon & Continuo.

This album contains frequencies that are soothing and will gently massage the ear while encouraging more responsiveness in a particular frequency range.

This album can be used repeatedly by anyone who may have difficulty adjusting to Sound Therapy or is having an adverse reaction such as tinnitus or hyperacusis (sound sensitivity.) It will help to habituate and prepare the ear for the more advanced albums.

Album 2 Opening the Ear

Beethoven Chamber Music for Flute, Mozart Divertimento & Serenade.

gradually introduces wider tonal fluctuations, giving the ear muscles a gentle workout, while simultaneously enticing the perception, through the auditory cortex, to stretch and open to higher frequencies. When the middle ear opens and becomes receptive to the high frequencies, these frequencies can then stimulate the inner ear and begin to activate the auditory neural pathways. This album is one of the most important steps in the program to prepare you to benefit from the albums that follow.

Album 3 Listening Clarity

Mozart, concertos for Clarinet, flute and Harp, Quartets for flute and strings, Dupuy Quintet for Bassoon and strings.

This music draws the listeners attention with beautiful melodies while gently increasing the range of perception of tones and frequencies. This album will assist you to hear more clearly in difficult situations and background noise.

Album 4 Visualisation to Reduce Stress

Read by Rafaele Joudry. Gluck: Orphee et Eurydice, Boccherini Guitar Quintet, Haydn Guitar Quartet, Vivaldi Concerto Excerpts, Bach Concerto, Largo.

This Album is an important part of auditory healing. It applies the techniques of cognitive retraining to alter the role your conscious and unconscious mind play in stress or tinnitus. A 15 minute visualisation is followed by exquisite and calming Sound Therapy music.



Open Earbud

The open earbud sits in the outer part of the ear, so you can hear surrounding sounds without interference. A popular choice for listeners who want to engage in daily activities while listening. Also comfortable for sleeping.

Overhead headset

Our most popular, easy to wear headset, for those who want a minimum of fuss. This headband is of very lightly constructed, quality materials, making it ideal for all day comfort. Clearly marked R and L earphones make quick and easy. This is a good choice if you want an easy to use, straightforward design that you can put on and off with minimum effort. It is also extremely comfortable, even for those who have sensitivity around the head or ears.

Studio Quality Sound Therapy Customised Headphone

This top of the range studio quality headphone gives you the richest listening experience.

This headphone is designed to enhance directional hearing, as well as being focussed to deliver clarity in the music while still being open to ambient sound. Its sophisticated design makes it adaptable for any head size, while being gentle and comfortable to wear for many hours. It can be worn while sleeping, while active or even over hearing aids.


The convenient carry case, lanyard and charger pack enable easy portability and convenience.

Sound Therapy book

This best-selling book tells the fascinating story of Patricia Joudry’s transformation through Sound Therapy and how the program has helped thousands to recover from a host of ear related conditions. The book equips you to be your own therapist, saving thousands of dollars you would pay for other clinic-based treatments.

Workbooks for two levels of Sound Therapy

The Self-help Workbooks step you through each stage of the program, giving you a personal listening routine, tailored for you needs, and extensive tips on the different stages of healing you can expect.

The workbooks are an essential element of the program which makes it possible for those listening at home to experience the full benefits and support that would be offered through clinical treatment.

Workbooks include the following items:

In depth research articles, interactive activities to enhance hearing, visualisations, personalised assessments related to ear performance and a diary system to assist you and your consultant.

Note for new customers

All new programs are accompanied by a copy of the music on a micro SD card so that you can load the music onto any device. This constitutes your warranty replacement, should you still wish to continue using the program after your player ceases to function.

Our players are quite robust and most of them function for several years. However, the battery does have a limited lifespan and will eventually stop working. In order to ensure that you always have access to the music, we now provide you with your own original files on an SD card.

Refer to the technical FAQs for tips on trouble shooting your player.

ADDED EXTRAS for Deluxe program

Nutrition for the ears and brain

Science has shown that good nutrition is essential for good ear function. Noise exposure causes free radical damage to the ears, which can only be repaired with a broad spectrum of high quality anti-oxidants. Hundreds of the body’s processes, including neurological processes, cannot be achieved without the correct minerals. Enhanced results have been found for Sound Therapy listeners when natural, colloidal minerals are added to compliment the listening process.

Two key products, selected by Rafaele Joudry to support ear and brain health are accompanied by her well researched booklet, Nutrition for the Ears, which gives you essential lifestyle tips plus the lowdown on exactly how these rich nutrients will support your ears and brain to optimise your Sound Therapy results.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg