Rafaele Joudry
Founder & Director
Rafaele Joudry was the joint creator of the Joudry portable Sound Therapy method with her mother, Patricia Joudry. Because of the transformative effects Sound Therapy has had on so many lives, Rafaele is committed to making Sound Therapy accessible to every person and family that needs it. Rafaele is constantly writing, lecturing, touring and teaching to bring the message of Sound Therapy to the world.
Visit Rafaele's Speaker Page HERE

Zsuzsanna Molnar
Independent Sound Therapy SYNERGY Consultant
Zsuzsanna Molnar is founder and CEO of Brain Body Potential. ‘(Reh)Abilitation’ Specialist – Teacher – Nutritionist – Connected Play Facilitator – Thinker – Community Builder – Prime Ministers Young Australian Award 1998. Holding a Bachelor of Education and Conducive Education (Rehabilitation Specialist) as well as current qualifications in Neurodevelopment Therapy and Hypnotherapy, Zsuzsanna has a wealth of knowledge and experience to best guide you and your beautiful children.
Her 30 years’ experience led her to develop NeuroAbilitation, a multi-faceted approach to helping children and adults to restore and connect functionality. Having applied Sound Therapy to her own children, she is well equipped to guide others in it’s benefits as part of their rehabilitation. https://brainbodypotential.com/

Nerida Crowe B. Ed.
Independent Sound Therapy SYNERGY Consultant
Irlen Syndrome Clinician and Regional Director of the Sydney Irlen Dyslexia Centre is a Sound Therapy consultant based in Beverly Hills in Sydney, NSW. Nerida assesses students and adults who present with visual processing difficulties and prescribes Irlen Spectral Filter Lenses to support people with Reading, Comprehension, Spelling and Concentration difficulties. Many of Nerida's clients present with auditory processing problems. As a Sound Therapy consultant she is able to offer them the support they need through the various Sound Therapy programs available. https://sidc.net.au/

Olwyn Farrar
Independent Sound Therapy SYNERGY Consultant
Olwyn Farrar is the founder of Learning to Shine in Mosvale and Goulburn, NSW. She holds a Bachelor of Applied science in Occupational Therapy. She has a passion for promoting an understanding of sensory processing disorders, striving to keep up to date with the latest training and development in order to remain on the cutting edge of services. Her centre provides intervention for children of all ages, from infants through to high school, who may be having difficulty with participation either at home, pre-school or school. Olwyn’s goal is to increase a child's independent participation in different areas of their lives. Sound Therapy is a recommended part of their program. https://learningtoshine.weebly.com/

Dr Carol Brown
Independent Sound Therapy SYNERGY Consultant
Dr. Carol Brown has over 35 years of experience as a private school administrator, teacher, cognitive developmental therapist, social worker, reading and learning specialist, speaker, HSLDA special needs consultant, and mother. Carol is the creator and Director of the Equipping Minds Cognitive Development Program based in Kentucky USA, which incorporates Sound Therapy for all clients. She has completed her Doctor of Education (Ed.D), M.A. in Social Services, and B.A. in Rehabilitation Counseling. Carol is certified as an FIE Mediator by the Feuerstein Institute: International Institute for the Enhancement of Learning Potential. https://equippingminds.com/

Georgia De Azevedo
Appointment Setter
Georgia is a very caring and sensitive person who loves to brighten your day with a smile. She loves speaking to all our customers and assisting them in whatever way she can. As a grandmother, she understands the needs of different families. She is a valuable member of our customer support team.

Adele Potter
Adele manages our accounts and ensures our financial area runs smoothly. She is a great problem solver and makes sure our admin and accounts are all in order. Adele looks after the financial and social wellbeing of the team. She loves to have a good time and makes sure the team takes a break or a holiday away every now and then.

Julie Carlson
Speaker Organiser
Julie handles Rafaele’s calendar of speaking engagements. She will be happy to hear from potential speaker hosts, and ensure that all communication is clear, so your event runs smoothly.

Kevin Bull
Digital Marketing & IT Support
After an extensive career in the IT industry and as editor of his own music magazine, Kevin is our indispensable IT guru who keeps all things running behind the scenes. He has the knack of making things work for the customer experience and is happy to help our customers with any digital or online technical challenges, to make sure your experience is as smooth as possible.