If you still have some questions before you purchase, read more details on our programs here.
If you wish to make a purchase and are having difficulty or require information that you cannot find in our FAQs, please send an email to info@mysoundtherapy.com and ask us to email or call you back.
Or if you require a clinical consultation before you purchase, you can book in to speak to a Qualified Clinical Sound Therapy Consultant.
If you are one of our Sound Therapy listeners and in need of clinical support, you can book a telephone consultation with a Qualified Sound Therapy Health Consultant.
Otherwise, look for answers to your clinical questions in our clinical FAQs here
You will most likely find an answer to your technical question in our Technical FAQs here.
If you do not find the answer you need, please email tech@mysoundtherapy.com
If you prefer you can call us and leave a message. We will have the appropriate person get back to you when they are available.
Australia: 1300 55 77 96USA: 1800 323 9956International: +612 492 869 145