Olympics for the ear

We don’t generally think of listening as an Olympic sport do we? We don’t think of training or improving our hearing or listening ability, or developing our ear muscles? However, when we look at hearing and listening from a Sound […]
August 7, 2012 | Ear muscles, General

What is Auditory Processing?

Most people are a bit unclear on what is meant by Auditory Processing. Is it a problem children have, or is it something we all do every day when we use speech and language? In fact auditory processing is essential […]

Noise health effects

Have you ever thought about the possible health effects of noise, apart from it just being annoying? In addition to hearing loss, noise has also been shown to cause stress and hypertension, heart disease and insomnia. It has even been […]
July 16, 2012 | General, Noise

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

It is widely accepted that tinnitus most frequently originates from damage to the ear. Ongoing exposure to loud noise is a significant contributor to tinnitus. However, new research shows that stress is just as important a factor as noise, according […]

The National Year of Reading and Indigenous Literacy

Indigenous literacy is a crucial issue in creating future opportunities for indigenous children. In this national year of reading, 2012 events are being held around the country to help encourage literacy. This initiative is so important as nearly half the […]

Natural depression treatment with Sound Therapy

Clinical depression with its symptoms of despair, guilt, exhaustion, pain and anxiety is a singularly debilitating condition. Severe sufferers struggle with a reason for living and some actually attempt suicide. Rising rates of teen suicide are an alarming warning that […]
June 5, 2012 | Depression, General

Listening in Turkey

After the 5 am call to prayer at the local mosque I went back to sleep and have woken at 6, my favourite time to be up. My travel companions don’t understand how I have so much energy and can […]
May 20, 2012 | General, travel

Does brain plasticity end at 7?

Last week I met a woman whose doctor told her that brain plasticity ends at age 7. Can you believe it? Not only that, he said this by way of informing her not to seek treatment for her 9 year […]
May 16, 2012 | children, General

Dizziness Misdiagnosis

Yesterday I was exhibiting at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Sydney, where people walk by the stall, unaware that they may be about to discover the key to solving a condition that has plagued them for decades. It is […]

Research on the ear muscles

I am always talking about the middle ear muscles – it fascinates me that these muscles play an active role in how our ear functions. We all understand muscles from our day to day experience. We know how they perform, […]
March 12, 2012 | Ear Research, General
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Sound Therapy is a unique treatment program, based on several decades of clinical research, which rehabilitates the ears and revitalises the brain, enhancing ear and brain function for life.