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Silver ‘Stress and Wellbeing’ Pre-Loaded Player (Australia)

Original price was: $3,233.80.Current price is: $1,698.00.

  • Our complete program for Natural Hearing Improvement and tinnitus
  • Buy the whole program upfront and have it pre-loaded onto our compact high quality music player
  • No ongoing fees
  • Four programs of progressively filtered Sound Therapy music
  • Best-selling Sound Therapy eBook – (printed book supplied while stocks last)
  • Listening Foundation Workbook eBook (printed Workbook while stocks last)
  • Workbooks for three advanced programs- as eBooks
  • 24 months of email support
  • A coaching video every 6 months
  • Technical support
  • Sontegrity M2 music player – pre-loaded with your programs
    • 32 Gb hard drive
    • High fidelity WAV file playback
    • Slot for microSD card
    • Micro USB port
    • 3.5mm audio jack
    • Built-in rechargeable lithium battery
    • Player size: 90mm x 43mm x 14mm
    • Display screen: 30mm x 35mm
  • Charger and carry case

Recommended Listening Schedule

  • Month 1-6: Listening Foundation Program – Level 1
  • Month 7-12: Resolve and Release Program – Level 2
  • Month 13-18: Brain Integration – Level 2
  • Month 19-24: Inner Peace – Level 3

The Silver program begins with the Listening Foundation Program Level 1. You will then follow the Emotional Intelligence and Brain Performance Advanced Series, comprising three advanced programs. In total you will progress through four six-hour programs and four workbooks (supplied as eBooks).

Why choose a Pre-loaded player?

The M2 player is a beautifully designed music player, purpose built for Sound Therapy to allow you to play the Sound Therapy files. The files will be pre-loaded onto the Sontegrity M2 player for ease of use. For full details on the Sontegrity M2 player, plase follow this LINK.

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The Listening Foundation Program (Level 1)

The Listening Foundation Program lays the groundwork for your Sound Therapy journey.

The unique activation and filtering of the music, based on the ground-breaking techniques developed by Dr Tomatis, delivers a powerful therapeutic program for the ears and brain.

This Level 1 Program is the required starting place for new listeners, in order to condition the nervous system in the first few weeks of listening. The level of filtering gradually increases as you work through the four albums, progressively training the ear.

Resolve and Release (Level 2)

This program is the next step in the Emotional Intelligence Series, after completing the Level One Listening Foundation Program. It delivers a stronger level of filtering to take your ear-brain rehabilitation to the next level. This program takes you to a deeper level in the process of stress reduction and emotional healing.

A journey of self-discovery

Emotional intelligence describes our capacity for self-awareness and impulse control, persistence at a task, motivation, zeal, and our ability to feel empathy and be effective communicators. High emotional intelligence enables us to be resolved and comfortable within ourselves, to handle life’s demands effectively and maintain a positive and productive state of mind.

The Emotional Intelligence Series is precisely designed to nurture and strengthen all of these aspects that comprise our emotional intelligence.

The Resolve and Release Program is designed to:

    • Help resolve family or workplace issues.
    • Reframe habits of communication and self-talk.
    • Assist in facing challenges, handling stressful situations or adjusting to changing circumstances.

The program specifically addresses: Stress, Anger, Disappointment, Resentment, Hostility, Frustration, Cognitive dissonance, Impatience, Tension, Discontent.

It helps you to feel calm and in control of your situation, and provides: Resolution, Forgiveness, Freedom, Better Negotiation, Communication, Letting go, Reframing, Love and Peace.

Recent research has shown that activating certain brain centres in the right cerebral cortex assists in the resolution of difficult emotional states. This process is assisted by Sound Therapy. The filtering techniques, in combination with the music choices, make the Resolve and Release Program a powerful support to this process.

Brain Integration (Level 2)

This Level 2 program in the Brain Performance Series is designed to enhance brain function, which is the ultimate aim of Sound Therapy. Good brain integration enables us to optimize our abilities in order to handle life’s demands effectively and maintain a positive and productive state of mind. The Brain Performance Series is precisely designed to nurture and strengthen all of these aspects that comprise our neural responses.

Sound Therapy has tremendous potential in the cognitive realm. Using this program not only enhances our cognitive capacity, it improves our ability to use and integrate all of our sensory systems. It is also relevant to enhancing hearing, and resolving tinnitus, as the process of hearing and the occurrence of tinnitus are largely happening in the brain itself.

A journey of brain optimisation

Brain integration is about enabling all of the different aspects of brain performance to work together to facilitate our daily functioning. Our senses allow us to make ‘sense’ of the world, but only if they communicate smoothly with each other. Our senses must work together to do an effective job. Together, they provide the brain with a menu of balanced stimuli. The brain that is nourished with a well-balanced menu of many varied senses, operates well.

Over 80% of the nervous system is involved in the reception, integration and processing of sensory information. The primary role of the brain is to be a sensory-processing machine. Inefficient sensory integration is like a traffic jam in the brain. Whether you are a high performing individual seeking peak performance, or someone who has suffered delays or damage to some of your cognitive function, this program can be an important part of your recovery and performance enhancement.

The Brain Integration Program is designed to:

    • Achieve a calm and focused mind -- also assisting to reduce tinnitus
    • Integrate processing between the right and left-brain hemispheres
    • Train and remap brain pathways for better mental and cognitive function.

Inner Peace (Level 3)

This Level 3 program in the Emotional Intelligence Series takes you to a deeper level in the process of stress reduction and emotional healing.

The Inner Peace Program is designed to:

    • Help resolve chronic stress and anxiety
    • Deepen your ability to reach a state of profound inner peace
    • Assist in facing fears, calming the mind and the emotions, developing inner confidence and self-worth.

This program is essential for enhancing your work-life balance. It helps to achieve deep inner calm and peaceful sleep, while reducing anxiety, worry and chronic stress.

Very soothing to the nervous system, this program calms the mind while also improving the depth and quality of sleep and dreams.

Addresses: Fear, Anxiety, Shame, Panic disorder, Post Traumatic Stress, Chronic Fatigue, Worry, Phobias, Insecurity, Pain, Vulnerability.

Enhances: self-affirmation, faith, courage, confidence, calm mind, autonomy, self-assurance and deep inner peace.

Recent research has shown that certain types of music can help to entrain the brain to deeper states of relaxation. These principles are combined with Sound Therapy filtering in this program to achieve the ultimate state of calm. The filtering techniques, in combination with the music choices, make the Inner Peace Program a powerful support to this process.

The Music

Listening Foundation Program

Listening Foundation Program consists of four albums, each approximately 90 minutes in length.

Album 1 - Gentle Massage
This album gently begins the process of introducing filtered sounds to the ear. (Vivaldi: 4 Concerti  |  Rosini: Quartet  |  Mozart: Violin Concerto  |  Handel: Harp Concerto)

Album 2 - Muscle Movement
The ear is reconditioned as the filtering begins to increase, and the middle ear muscles are asked to respond to greater variations in frequency and intensity (Mozart: String quartets  |  Mozart: Piano Concertos)

Album 3: Ear Gymnastics
Progressing to more challenging frequency variations requires the ear to respond at levels that it may not have reached for many years. (Mozart Horn Concerto, Violin Concerto, Bach: Harp Concertos  |  Bach: Cello Concerto  |  Vivaldi: Cello Concertos)

Album 4: Cilia Simulation
Finally, as the middle ear has begun to open and adjust to the higher frequencies, these stimulating sounds can reach the inner ear and activate the sensory cells in the hearing organ (the cilia). Sound waves are converted to electro chemical signals that travel to the brain. (Mozart: Horn Concerti  |  Haydn: String Quartets)

Resolve and Release Program

This program consists of 4 albums, each approximately 80-90 minutes in length.

Album 1 - Letting Go: The first part of emotional resolution is to reduce the state of arousal to enable breathing, heart rate and neurochemicals to settle back to normal levels. This album will give a sense of acknowledgement to the emotions, allowing the brain to more quickly process thoughts and feelings so that a state of inner balance can be achieved. (Chopin: Concertos  |  Mozart: Fantasia  |  Bruch: Concerto  |  Beethoven: Romance)

Album 2 Re-Framing: When an event triggers a reaction in the brain and emotions, this occurs in three phases. First the event takes place, and is registered by the sensory pathways. i.e. a long cylindrical object slides onto the path in front of you. Then this event is perceived by the brain and an understanding occurs of what has taken place. i.e. that is a snake and it’s looking at me. Then this is linked to past experiences and memories, and based on these, is given an interpretation. i.e. snakes are dangerous and can kill you. I have seen other people panic when faced with snakes, so I am going to panic. In order to change our reactions to events, the way that we interpret events needs to change. This album assists with this process. (Chopin: Selections  |  Mozart: Fantasia  |  Beethoven: Sonata  |  Schuman: Cello Concerto)

Album 3 Resolution: Resolution can occur once we find new ways of understanding the world and our role in it. The music on this album helps us to bring more parts of the brain and nervous system into our service to reach a resolution within ourselves. (Ravel: Intro  |  Ravel: Allegro  |  Bax: Trio  |  Schubert: Trout Concerto  |  Mozart: Piano Concerto)

Album 4 Peace of Mind: Reassurance and peace of mind come from the reconciliation of conflicting or disturbing beliefs and thoughts. Self-acceptance and acceptance of others can occur when the right perspective is brought to life’s events. The music and filtering processes on this album help to bring all these factors together. (Beethoven: Pathetique  |  Mozart: Trio  |  Grieg: Romantic Melodies)


Brain Integration Program

This program consists of 6 albums, each approximately 60 minutes in length.

Album 1: Calm Mind: This album is recorded with the Electronic Ear only. It is safe for those with sensitive hearing and allows you to relax during ear training. (Mozart: Pianos Concertos |  Mozart: Divertimento)

Album 2: Focus: In this album the Electronic Ear is progressively increasing its reach. The difference between the two channels gradually widens, training the ear to gradually increase its range of focus. (Handel: Sonatas for Wind Instruments)

Album 3: Right Left Integration: Building the Corpus Callosum. Tomatis taught us that the right ear must lead for our listening and language processing to be most effective. Crossing the divide helps different brain systems and language processes to work better. (Mozart: Pianos Concertos)

Album 4: Tonotopic training: Training the auditory cortex to fill in the gaps, progressing from 400Hz to 8kHz. (Bach: Trios  |  Bach: Quintet  |  Handel: Sonatas for Recorder and Oboe)

Album 5: Neural remapping: Expanding the spectrum of frequencies and spectrum of decibels, this album sequentially extends attention to all areas of the auditory neural map. The switching between the high and low channels is quite pronounced. This is to stimulate different parts of the brain and the auditory pathways in the brain into responding. (Mozart: String Quintets  |  Mozart: Divertimento)

Album 6: In the Zone: This highly filtered album helps your mind to become calm, focused, alert and relaxed. Let it wash over you. Don’t worry if you can’t hear it all the time, especially in the first half of the album. Keep the volume low. (Haydn: Symphony  |  Handel: Grand Concertos)


Inner Peace Program

This program consists of 6 albums, each approximately 60 minutes in length.

Album 1 Wind Down: After a stressful day, the ability to wind down and allow the body systems to restore themselves is paramount to our state of long term health. This album will assist you to allow that process after any stressful times, as opposed to ruminating and re-hashing events, causing continued stress to build up. (Themes from Puccini  |  Verdi. Rossini: Quartets  |  Mozart: Serenade  |  Puccini: Waltz  |  Handel: Minuet  |  Bach: Sinfonia  |  Handel: Pastoral Theme  |  Bach: Air)

Album 2 Relax and Regenerate: It takes time to regenerate the body and brain after the impact of stress. This album takes you through a journey of restoration and sustained calm to restore normal, restful neurological and physical processes essential for healing and inner calm. (Albinoni: Adagio  |  Vivaldi: Concertos  |  Corelli: Concerto  |  Manfredini: Concerto)

Album 3 Deep Sleep: The brain and body are restored by deep sleep. The majority of Sound Therapy listeners report a significant enhancement of their quality of sleep after or during Sound Therapy. This album uses music specifically selected and filtered for the optimum impact on deep, restorative, restful sleep. It can of course also be used at any time to induce a state of deep calm even during daily activities. (Mascagni: Intermezzo  |  Beethoven: Moonlight sonata  |  Pacelbel: Canon  |  Albinoni: Adagios  |   Puccini: Madame Butterfly  |  Humming: Chorus)

Album 4 Tranquillity: Tranquillity depends in part on being in a state of resolution in our mind and our emotions. Disturbing thoughts can interrupt tranquillity, even in a peaceful environment. The ability to resolve issues and settle our mind requires the right beliefs, reactions, confidence and conclusions in our thinking. The brain is capable of achieving such resolution, provided it has the right environment and support tools to do so. The combination of processes in the Workbook plus the music on this album will assist such resolution so that tranquillity is possible. (Schubert: Sonata  |  Tartini: Adagio  |  Boccherini Sonata  |  Mozart: Piano Concerto)

Album 5 Calm Confidence: Confidence comes naturally when our needs are met and we feel comfortable with ourselves in the world. As you work towards this process through using the program, this album will assist in anchoring and manifesting this feeling. (Elgar: Serenade, Elegy and Suite  |  Beethoven: Violin concerto)

Album 6 Revive: Energy naturally flows when we are content, fulfilled and problems are being resolved. This final album completes the cycle of detachment, awareness, resolution and healing that can be achieved through the Inner Peace Program. (Vivaldi: 4 Seasons Concertos  |  Bruch: concerto  |  Mendelssohn: concerto)


Workbook for Listening Foundation

The workbook is an essential element of the program which makes it possible for listeners using this program at home, in their own time, to experience the full benefits and support that would be offered through clinical treatment.

It includes the following items:

    • Listener Profile: a detailed self-assessment system which will diagnose your needs and areas of probable benefit from using Sound Therapy.
    • Listeners Guide: a detailed product manual addressing all the frequently asked technical and clinical questions, tips on further information and step by step instructions to ensure your listening success. Includes quick reference tips, How to listen, adjustment issues, history and technical explanations.
    • Listeners Log and Progress Summary: a simple diary system for those who wish to use it which adds value to your program by increasing self-awareness and reflection in tracking your progress.

Workbook for Resolve and Release

An important complement to your weekly listening, the Resolve and Release Workbook will introduce specific self-awareness exercises for further engaging our way of processing feelings such as Stress, Anger, Resentment and Frustration. It includes interactive activities to enhance self-awareness, visualisations, personalised assessments related to personal development, and a diary system to assist you in tracking your progress. When used in conjunction with the listening program, these processes can bring about significant change in your life.

Workbook for Brain Integration

The Brain Integration Workbook will introduce specific cognitive training exercises to further enhance your processing of sensory inputs for best neural performance. When used in conjunction with the listening program, these processes can bring about significant change in your life. It includes activities to enhance focus, memory, creativity and cognition, and a diary system to assist you in tracking your progress. Following this program and using all the tools, will give you the best possible opportunity to enhance and protect your brain performance going forward.

Workbook for Inner Peace

The Inner Peace Workbook deepens the process of personal development started with the Resolve and Release program. Exercises for self-exploration are used to help you delve into the causes and solutions for many emotions at the root of fear, stress, anxiety and conflict. It includes interactive activities to enhance self-awareness, visualisations, personalised assessments related to personal development, and a diary system to assist you in tracking your progress. After following this program and using all the tools, you will have the resources to reach a deeper state of awareness and fulfillment within yourself.

Extra support tools with your download

Sound Therapy book (eBook): This best-selling book tells the fascinating story of Patricia Joudry’s transformation through Sound Therapy and how the program has helped thousands to recover from a host of ear and brain related conditions. The book equips you to be your own therapist, saving thousands of dollars you would pay for other, clinic-based treatments.

Your personal listening routine: When you purchase your download, you will be sent a short, questionnaire to assess your level of auditory fitness. You will then be directed to a personalised listening routine that you should follow, week by week. IMPORTANT NOTE: It is important not to overdo your listening in the first few weeks, until your ears and nervous system have adjusted.

How to listen: The recommended listening time totals about three hours per day, listening quietly, through headphones, as you go about your day. You can have a conversation, watch TV, or even sleep while listening. Yes, you must use earphones for the therapy to be effective, but these can be an ‘open’ style, so you can still hear surrounding sound. Since you can do almost anything while listening, this means that it takes no time out of your day. We recommend following the program for at least three to six months. Over the long term, you may continue listening for several months or years - it’s up to you. Some listeners have been with us for decades.

Listener Support Program: Our e-mail listener support program allows us to hold your hand and support you through your first few months of listening, to keep you motivated, confident and on track. Regular tips, updates and further information provide needed support in your in-box as you progress through your program. These emails are tailored to the issues and questions usually experienced by people on this program. Sometimes a timely reminder or helpful tip about other people’s experience will give you the support and encouragement you need to keep you on track. Sound Therapy encourages adaptation on several levels: cognitive, emotional and physical. The interactive processes presented at the right stage of your listening will assist these important change