Sleep and Lifestyle

Most insomnia is caused by stress. Sound Therapy reduces stress which leads to better sleep.

The benefits of Sound Therapy include:

  • Cuts mind chatter, allowing the mind to move at slower rhythms leading to deeper, more beneficial sleep.
  • Replenishes the brain’s energy when it is exhausted by stress. Sound Therapy makes it possible for us to find our “off” button.
  • Dr. Tomatis discovered that Sound Therapy relaxes the Nervous System, and this has now been supported by Professor Stephen Porge’s research on the Vagus nerve.
  • Sound Therapy may also stimulate the production of neurotransmitters, targeting sleep. Tomatis believed that the opening of the ear to high-frequency sounds re-creates the pre-birth experience and the resolution of early emotional anxieties resulting in better sleep. The Emotional Intelligence programs, and Album one in the Listening Foundation Program, are instrumental in relaxing the nervous system.

Bad Sleep Habits can be a combination of external conditions, personal behaviours, lifestyle, and internal health issues. Talk to your doctor if you suffer from insomnia. A doctor can recommend suitable treatments and help to work toward regulating your sleep schedule.

Dr. Michael Mosley MD has written several books about sleeping. He suggests:

  • Sleep is very much a matter of habit or routine. Establishing a consistent routine in the circadian 24-hour sleep cycle can improve sleep quality. Activities within the cycle can disrupt it. It is best to aim for consistency in sleep hours and to wake up at a set time every day.
  • He states that the body and brain slow down as it gets dark and wake up as the sun rises. He found that people who preferred going to sleep later had higher levels of repetitive negative thinking. Expose your body to the early morning light. Exercising daily improves sleep quality, and reduces anxiety and depression. However, exercising late in the evening can disrupt your sleep cycle.

Mosely suggests unwinding for at least an hour before bedtime. A busy mind makes it more difficult to sleep.

  • Write down any worries and make a list of things you need to do each evening to reduce overthinking when you are trying to sleep.
  • Having warm baths, keeping your bedroom cool, and just using it for sleep and relaxation, are recommended.
  • Remove all electronic equipment from your bedroom to reduce mental activity and light exposure will help you to wind down.


Be mindful of what you eat. Remember the saying, ‘You are what you eat’. Tiredness leads to stress and overeating, increasing Cortisol levels, and predisposes you to Diabetes and many other conditions. Dr. Mosely suggests you should stop eating three hours before bed to help lower body temperatures. He promotes magnesium-rich foods like avocadoes, leafy greens, nuts, and legumes.
Rafaele Joudry recommends high-quality Probiotics, with Prebiotics, such as the Modere’s Probiotic support, found here.

  • Consumption Research the prescription medications and natural supplements you are having, some can bring on Tinnitus and dizziness, so consult your doctor.
  • Do not use alcohol to sleep as it will disrupt your normal sleep pattern. You may wake sooner and have greater trouble getting back to sleep.
  • Limit the amount of caffeine (tea, coffee, cola, energy drinks) and nicotine, salty foods, flavour enhancers, processed sugar, fatty food you take in. These
    stimulants can keep you awake and for Tinnitus sufferers they may emphasize the ringing.
  • Substitute with herbal teas such as Chamomile, Ginger, Lemon Balm,
    Passionflower. Or freeze them into ice cubes added to sparkling water. Substitute Caffeine drinks for a quality protein drink, healthy protein balls, nuts, herbs such as Macca Root and Peppermint, and Coconut water.
  • Relaxing supplements Dr Josh Axe DNM, DC, CNS states for better sleep
    magnesium is especially taken with calcium for absorption leads to better sleep. He mentions Herbs - Passionflower, Chamomile, Valerian, Ziziphus to Induce Sleep. Beware of only purchasing quality brands. A Melatonin prescription may help as well, discuss the above with your doctor.
  • The Colloidal Minerals recommended by Sound Therapy International help with every function of the body and also support our listeners to sleep better.
  • Hydrate with water. It improves sleep and all bodily functions, and dehydration doesn’t help Tinnitus.


Work ethic and stress: Stress and tiredness aggravate anxiety and Tinnitus. If you are an overachiever, stop, revaluate. You cannot keep going unless you have a balance in your life.
Breathe: When you take a breath, it stops you from thinking and gives you space between thoughts. This reduces anxiety, anger, and fear, bringing in more peace. Every inhalation engages the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). Your exhalation stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) which relaxes. So slow down-- breathe deeply in, hold -- then very slowly breathe out. Gentle pressure on the eyes can have a calming effect on the nervous system.
Meditation and mindfulness: This is important to help reduce stress, focus on your breathing and being in the moment. Utilize guided meditations. Take 10 mins out of your day just to be quiet. Youtube contains 10 min meditations, which is enough time to calm you.
Progressive relaxation and cognitive behavioural therapy CBT: Bringing awareness. Breathing in "peace" and breathing out "tension.”
Positive thinking and thoughts: Our mind is our biggest enemy. Thoughts can take over. Do not feed those thoughts -- do not let the little things get you down. It’s not important! Stop repetitive thinking -- let it go!
Affirmations: Try Louise Hay’s affirmations, for example - ‘I focus my attention with ease and Joy’, or ‘any time I choose my inner world is calm and peaceful’, and ‘my mind is quite and still.’
EFT: Users of Emotional Freedom Techniques say Tapping and affirmation help to have a better sleep
Gratitude: Be grateful for the little things. Keep a journal in which you list all the things you are thankful for each day. Make a list everyday of five things you are grateful for.
Sound Therapy Emotional Intelligence Series: Our Sound Therapy advanced programs for Emotional Intelligence include a full course of personal development activities which explore these techniques in more detail.



Essential Oils: Dr. Axe also mentions Bergamot, Lavender, in addition to Sandalwood, Frankincense and Mandarin oil combined to creates a useful sleep-inducing blend. A vaporizer is a great way to disperse the oils
Exercise: Get away from technology. Your body needs that break. Appreciate the calmness of nature, spend time outside and get fit.
Fresh Air: Can you open a window? if not substitute with an air filter and pot plants.
Yoga and Tai-chi: Relax the body and mind. Use Acupressure points to help to reduce the stress in your system.


Lastly, remember your Sound Therapy. If you use it regularly, it will help significantly to address and treat your stress and sleep problems.

You only have one life. Make it for you!

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Sound Therapy is a unique treatment program, based on several decades of clinical research, which rehabilitates the ears and revitalises the brain, enhancing ear and brain function for life.