Flu Vaccination Concern

April 27, 2010 | children, General, vaccination

Recently a number of people have been asking me for information on the flu vaccine. The recent scare from children's reaction to the vaccine in WA has created concern, and with the media coverage it has received, a lot of parents will be feeling uncertain. When I wrote my book Why Aren't I Learning? in 2004 I interviewed several families whose children had been helped by Sound Therapy. I was shocked by how many of these parents told me their children's learning and developmental problems had clearly begun after vaccination.
Fortunately these children experienced considerable improvement from Sound Therapy, as it enabled stimulation and repair of damaged brain pathways. But in many cases the children never fully recovered normal function.
However, the parents who made the association and did further research chose not to vaccinate their other children and avoided these problems.
When first making decisions about vaccination, unfortunately parents have no idea of the health complications and years of remedial treatment and special care they may be entering into if their child has a reaction.
While vaccination is considered a scientific given by our society today, a significant number of those who endorse an integrative medical approach are raising questions about its validity. There are alternative methods of health care and prevention, and many resources are available for those who wish to explore other avenues.
I have taken advantage of alternative health information and have confidently chosen not to receive any vaccinations myself for the last 37 years. I believe strongly in preventative health care and providing the body with all that it needs to naturally maintain vitality and fight disease. I personally do not believe that vaccination supports this philosophy.
Decisions about vaccination are a very big responsibility for parents, and many understandably want more information than may be offered through their general medical practice. An independent body does exist for informing parents and citizens about independent research on vaccination. It is called the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN). The website can be found here. http://www.avn.org.au/
“The AVN is a non-profit, volunteer-run charitable association. Since 1994, the AVN has provided information and support to the general community who are trying to make informed choices about vaccination and health. Their lobbying in Federal Parliament has ensured that compulsory vaccination for children has not come to pass and they are the major reporters of vaccine adverse reactions to ADRAC (The Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee).”
Whether you are considering vaccination for yourself or a child, I urge you to learn more. Information on all vaccines is available on the AVN site. To learn more about the recent WA flu vaccine scare, read the AVN press release here. http://bit.ly/9Hpg6Q (Click on the link or paste into your browser)
We are fortunate to have a body such as the AVN to act as a consumer watchdog, to gather and disseminate information independent of pharmaceutical interests. As this organization receives no government funding, our support is essential to ensure its existence. If you value freedom of information in health, I urge you to make a small donation, or subscribe to their excellent magazine, and inform your friends about AVN.
You will see that their work is very professional and they provide a valuable service to parents and the community in general.

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