We’ve Helped So Many People Hear,
Feel and Think Better…

I suffered from Tinnitus for several years until it reached the stage where it was difficult to go to sleep. I consulted a doctor who advised that there was nothing that could be done to cure the problem. My wife then brought me your Sound Therapy program. After several months the annoyance had abated considerably and for years now I haven’t the slightest sign of it returning.
Thanking you for your incalculable assistance in the past.
Nevell Phelps, Moree, NSW, Australia
After less than sixty hours of listening, suddenly, incredibly, new sounds were singing in my ears. I am now acutely conscious of sound, all sound, including my own voice, which I can now control.
Further amazement came... I have always required eight hours of heavy-duty sleep. Now I often wake up in the night, after only three to four hours sleep, snap my eyes open, stretch and feel ready to tackle whatever may be coming my way.
Linda Taylor Anderson, Florida, USA
About four years ago I started getting ringing in the left ear, followed by light-headedness dizziness. Sometimes I couldn't stand without falling. This I was getting once or twice a month, soon twice a week and not long later three or four times a day. My doctor told me I had Meniere's Syndrome, and said I would just have to put up with it...
Then I heard about Sound Therapy and started the program. Now, four later, I have no light-headedness and dizziness, and the ringing in my left ear has gone. The hearing in my left ear had also improved.
Darrell Johnson, Saskatcewan, Canada