
Simone Collins – Perth, Western Australia

I listened to Sound Therapy while pregnant with both of my children, and have used it off and on with them ever since, to give them a helping hand with their development. My older daughter (currently 5) started speaking clear words at 7 months, and by 12 months was putting 2-3 words together to ask for what she wanted, in English or Spanish. She is now in Pre Primary, and she is doing grade 2 level maths in Mathletics, completed learning her sight words a good month before the next student to finish, and is well ahead with her reading and writing. My younger daughter (age 4) started speaking at 13 months, launching straight into words to ask for what she wanted or to comment on what she observed.  She started writing her own name at the age of 3. I am convinced that Sound Therapy has given both of my daughters an edge academically, including a great thirst to learn. I highly, highly recommend it to all parents.