I was so proud of my team today!
We took a few minutes to all share how we are doing during the COVID lockdown period and what strategies we use for self-care.
Everyone showed huge resilience and resourcefulness and I wanted to share some of the great ideas that came out of this discussion, with all our listeners, in case some of them are helpful to you too.
CONSCIOUS BREATHING Take a breath—come to your senses. Research has shown that certain breathing techniques can slow the heart rate, and engage the parasympathetic nervous system, switching on the vagus nerve and significantly reducing our stress levels. The impact is almost instantaneous. When you consciously take a breath, your attention is on your breath, and it immediately stops the anxiety reactions running through your system. Slowing your exhalation is one of the proven techniques for reducing stress.
Here is an article from the Harvard Business Review giving the background to a number of breathing techniques. https://hbr.org/2020/09/research-why-breathing-is-so-effective-at-reducing-stress
Note that this article also refers to a program for Emotional Intelligence, which is along similar lines to the Sound Therapy Emotional Intelligence Series for advanced listeners available here https://mysoundtherapy.com/au/product/resolve-and-release-lvl-2-program-australia/
NEBULISATION Many integrative health practitioners advocate using nebulisation for enhancing the body’s resistance to viruses. Even a simple saline nasal spray could help as it moisturises the nasal lining, helping it to better perform its protective role in our natural immunity.
Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulisation, using an electric nebuliser such as the ones used for asthma treatment, is of particular interest in fortifying the body’s cells to fight off viruses. This simple, low cost technique is believed to help with any invasive virus from the common cold to more serious strains. Hydrogen Peroxide is nothing more than water with an extra oxygen atom. It is naturally present everywhere in the body, working as an essential part of the body’s natural immunity. Here is an article explaining how it works from a well-respected integrative doctor.
This treatment must of course be used in the right dilution, so make sure you get accurate information. There is a very informative eBook about this technique which is free from Medfox publishing here https://rvr.medfoxpub.com/
AIR FILTERS An in home air filter is a fairly low cost investment to help purify the air in your home or office. These devices help to remove all sorts of contaminants from the ear as well as viruses. They are also an essential survival tool during bush fire season. Make sure you choose one with a HEPA filter. HEPA stand for “High-Efficiency Particle Arresting”. They are available from many homewares stores or online for a couple of hundred dollars. Here is an article with more information on air filtration. https://www.epa.gov/coronavirus/air-cleaners-hvac-filters-and-coronavirus-covid-19
FRESH AIR, AROMATHERAPY VAPORISERS AND POT PLANTS. Keep a window open to circulate and bring fresh air in. Aromatherapy oils that help clean and detoxify the air and are anti viral include cloves, eucalyptus and other immune support or decongestant oils, such as the legendary Thieves blend that you can read about here. https://www.youngliving.com/en_AU/products/c/young-living-brands/thieves
Some pot plants are better than others at air purifying, and here is a good article on which ones to choose. https://www.electrodry.com.au/news-blog/the-best-indoor-air-purifying-plants/
DETOXIFY YOUR HOME. It is important to reduce damaging chemicals in your immediate environment—your home — so that your natural immunity can work. Not all chemicals are harmful, so the question is, how can you know what is safe? Just because something says it is ‘natural’ doesn’t mean that it is free of toxic chemicals, as such claims are completely unregulated. The best way is to go with a brand that you know is committed to excluding harmful ingredients from its products. For this reason we recommend the MODERE brand as this company has been a leader for the last three decades in producing safe effective personal care and cleaning products We refer you to these links to learn more https://mysoundtherapy.com/au/what-is-sound-therapy/emotional-stress-relief/health-wellbeing-life/
HEALTHY DAILY ROUTINES including physical exercise and being in nature are extremely beneficial to break the mood, give you something to look forward to and keep your breath and blood circulating well. A bit of sun exposure each day is important for Vitamin D exposure.
GRATITUDE A daily practice of gratitude has been found to improve physical health, enhance sleep and even to boost immunity and decrease the risk of disease. To help you stay positive, make it a daily practice to write down three things in life you are grateful for. Keep a gratitude diary. Find more ideas here https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/improve-health-practice-gratitude/art-20270841
LAUGHTER Laughter induces an increased flow of lymphocytes flowing in the body, and this is known to increase immunity against all diseases. Try watching a happy series that you enjoy. Take your mind off your troubles and relax with family - try The Durrells on iview -- my current favourite. Learn more here about how laughter supports the immune system. https://www.laughteronlineuniversity.com/laughter-immune-system/
NUTRITION By having lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and non-processed food you are giving your body the best chance to fight disease. Supplements that are particularly important for viral protection are Vitamin C and D, Zinc, and the Omega oils, plus immune boosting herbs which can all help to fortify your body’s immunity. For dietary sources, vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables. Vitamin D is absorbed from the sun. However, higher does can be achieved with supplements. With Zinc, it is hard to get enough in foods, so a supplement is recommended.
HYGEINE. Let’s not forget the most significant discovery of modern medicine in reducing disease transmission. Washing hands -- most importantly before meal preparation and after shopping -- wash vigorously for at least 20 seconds and thoroughly dry them with a clean hand towel. In COVID times ideally a separate towel for each family member would be desirable. You may also choose to wipe your produce before putting it away. How many people have touched that milk since it was bottled?
MOBILE PHONES Could be one of the most contaminating items in a COVID outbreak. Your phone goes everywhere with you, we answer it with unwashed hands, we use it for all aspects of life, work, shopping, cooking, eating and then we take it to bed -- an accumulated germ field. Give it a quick wipe down with a eucalyptus or similar user friendly mixture. It will help keep germs at bay.
BARRIERS IN PUBLIC Putting a barrier up between you and the public may help stop you from being quite so vulnerable. Apart from the obvious masks and distancing, Essential oils raise your vibrations and using a saline or combination of Eucalyptus nasal spray could help reduce viral loading in your nose. If you are interested in energy medicine you may like this article on how essential oils can raise our frequency https://vibrantblueoils.com/how-essential-oils-raise-your-frequency/
SOUND THERAPY And of course, speaking of frequency and vibration, another technique that my team and I all use for managing stress and enhancing our health is listening to Sound Therapy. Some of the team prefer listening to Album 1 in the Listening Foundation Program to settle them before bed. I listen to Level 2 Emotional Intelligence, Inner Peace program during sleep.
All of these tools can help to keep your immunity up as mind body and spirit are all entwined. It is very encouraging to know that we are not helpless in protecting our vitality and health, as there is so much we can do to fortify this amazing, regenerating, self-healing system: the body – along with its mind/spirit element, making up our amazing selves.