
More Feedback on the Ultra Light

July 13, 2010 | General

The last six months since we launched our first Ultra Light have enabled us to get lots of valuable feedback on how our customers are finding this technology. People have told me this definitely places us as a leader in the industry as there is nothing else so convenient and appealing.  Previously, having dangling wires to contend with and a bulky CD player to carry around has been the biggest deterrent to Sound Therapy listening.The last six months since we launched our first Ultra Light have enabled us to get lots of valuable feedback on how our customers are finding this technology. People have told me this definitely places us as a leader in the industry as there is nothing else so convenient and appealing.  Previously, having dangling wires to contend with and a bulky CD player to carry around has been the biggest deterrent to Sound Therapy listening.
We have done a survey of our first few hundred customers to get their specific feedback and learn what they like about using the Ultra Light. Just in case you are wondering how good it really is, I want to share this feedback with you. Below are some typical comments, both positive and negative, giving a good overview of peoples experience. To see graphs of the full results of our survey go to
Positive comments
• I have had tinnitus for 20 years and have used Sound Therapy for many years on tape and on CD. After one day of listening to the Ultra Light, my tinnitus stopped.
• Its light, its very easy to be involved in your activities without having to think about the fact that you’ve got your Ultra Light on. Its just easier to wear I think.
• I love the music on the new Listening Foundation program. It’s easier to listen to and takes you on a whole journey. • Fabulous improvement. So much easier to listen to the music now.
• Easy to use whilst pottering around the house and garden
• I found I was able to use it going shopping, walking, in the office and the car with no trouble at all.
• Its superior to cassettes and CDs because it goes non stop. It goes all night and that’s far more beneficial. You don’t have to stop to change the cassette or CD.
• I have been listening all day at my desk or going for a walk. I’m getting up an hour earlier and no longer falling asleep in yoga or while watching TV. My creative output is greatly enhanced as a result.
Activities where the Ultra Light is not as convenient
• As I sleep on my side I can’t use it at night.
• Where you need to wear ear muffs over Ultra Light eg cutting grass, angle grinding.
• Bicycle riding with helmet.
• Walking in rain or running.

So that about sums up our experience with the Ultra Light so far.  To see more information on the Ultra Light go to this link
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