We’ve Helped So Many People Relax, Feel and Think Better…

Sound Therapy has given me more than I could have asked for or expected, I have suffered serious Post Natal Depression for almost 18 months involving hospital and loads of medication but in the last couple of months I can confidently say that my mental health has been free from the dark and frightening choke hold on my daily life and I have felt fantastically normal for the first time in what feels like years. Where has Sound Therapy been all my life!?
Y Hibbins, VIC, Australia
My husband says I seem to not get upset anymore with anything. I have had depression in my life where you don’t have the energy to care anymore as opposed to caring but not letting it get to you. That’s stuff I didn’t even expect from the program which is extremely valuable to me. I'm so happy, so grateful, thank you so much.
I was told basically you're on drugs for the rest of your life. I'm too stubborn to believe that. To me this Sound Therapy is the biggest de-stressor that I've ever encountered. It’s a peace, just taking that bad energy out of my body. My husband sees it.
Rhonda Bowen, VIC, Australia
… I also found so many other benefits [of Sound Therapy] I was frankly knocked over by it. I seem to get a bit anxious in company if I have to do public speaking etc. I used to occasionally have panic attacks. I found I was able to cope much better with crowded surroundings and especially with the panic attacks as well. I couldn't drive very far from home without a concern like that. Particularly if I had to do a lot of speaking in public. I found I was able to do it without getting the attacks.